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UNJ Public Relations 02/01/2019. Saturday, December 22nd, 2018, Tsunami strike Banten and Lampung coastal areas. The tsunami was triggered by Mt. Anak Krakatau eruption and damaged various area. One of the most impacted areas was Pandeglang, Banten. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) had sent Dr. Budiaman (coordinator of KKN and PKM LPPM UNJ management center), Khrisnamurti, M.Sc (Head of Public Relations), Dr. Muhammad Zid (Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences UNJ), Slamet, M.Pd (Team Beta UNJ Peduli Sigi, Palu and Faculty of Sport Sciences UNJ lecturer), and Oky (Driver from UNJ) as UNJ Peduli volunteers on Friday (28/12/2018).

This time, the departure of the UNJ Peduli Volunteer Team was to do a two-day survey, December 28-29th 2018, by analyzing the victims’ needs in Padeglang. Based on the volunteers’ report, the worst affected location was in Sumur Sub-district, Pandeglang, Banten Province. On the first day, UNJ Peduli went to Tanjung Jaya Village in Panimbang, Pandeglang. During the trip, UNJ Peduli teamed-up with the Secretary of LPPM Universitas Sulteng Ageng Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA), Dr. Hidayatulah, in terms of splitting roles with UNTIRTA, which was there first to build a post in Tanjung Jaya Village. The purpose of this much-needed coordination was to make sure that every single volunteer can work effectively and professionally.

In Tanjung Jaya Village, UNJ Peduli communicated with Mr. Asep as the secretary of Tanjung Jaya Village. Tanjung Jaya Village is a strategic place to build a post because it is far from the beach and accessible for the tsunami victims. UNJ Peduli also surveyed some posts around Tanjung Jaya Village, which are Dompet Dhuafa, Dinas Sumber Daya Alam dan Pemukiman Provinsi Banten, Komunitas Peduli Bencana, UNTIRTA and PNPB Provinsi Banten as the official agency for disaster management data and information centers.


On the second day (29/12), UNJ Peduli went to another impacted area in Sumur Sub-district. This area is closer to the beach; therefore, many houses and facilities are damaged. Once again, UNJ Peduli contacted Sumur Sub-district Head to find out the best location to build another post. By the suggestion from the Sub-district Head, UNJ Peduli headed to Kampung Paniis, Taman Jaya Village because the area was also heavily impacted and have not received much help. Through this survey, UNJ Peduli will continue to maintain coordination and distribute donations accordingly.

Translated by: OJ