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The 91st Youth Pledge Flag Ceremony

The 91st Youth Pledge Flag Ceremony

The 91st Youth Pledge Flag Ceremony

Public Relations of UNJ (10/28/2019) – Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) held a flag ceremony to commemorate the 91st Youth Pledge on Monday, 28th October 2019 at 8:00 a.m. at the Library yard, Campus A UNJ. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si., the Rector of UNJ, became the inspector of the ceremony. The ceremony was attended as well by the board of rectors, of deans, lecturers, students, and all members of the university.

In the ceremony themed “Getting United We Go Advanced”, the commemoration asserted that we should refer back to the commitment built by the youth declared in 1928 in the Youth Pledge. Only if do we get united, we would be able to make our ideals come true.

The mandate of the Minister of Youth and Sport of Republic of Indonesia, Zainudin Mali, read aloud by the inspector claimed that the rapid advancement of technology is analogized as two blades. One side of it enables the youth to increase capacity of knowledge but on the other side, it may bring negative impacts at the same time. Such destructive information as pornography, drugs, free sex to radical movement of terrorism can easily enter into the mind and body of the youth unless they have a blockage by filtering the acquired information, applying the knowledge and positive character living in the nation and state of Indonesia.

“The youth with a tough character is one with characters of morality and work performance, with religious faith and belief and with high integrity, honesty, politeness, responsibility, discipline, who can work hard and smart, and can complete a task, “Dr. Komarudin expressed. A youth must also have qualified intellectual capacity, along with leadership, entrepreneurship, and pioneering skills. Last but not least, a youth must be innovative in actively taking a role in international domains.

The theme of Getting United We Go Advance is in fact designated for all elements of the nation; however, to the young, it is a must since it is in their hands that Indonesia will be positively go advanced. The perfect young to realize advanced Indonesia should be of high capacity, ability, innovation, and creativity. Further, he has to be independent, inspiring, and be able to survive and go excellent in coping with global competition.

The Rector of UNJ on this occasion grants 19 students of UNJ for their achievements throughout June to August 2019, either at national or international scale. Their successful achievements are as follows: 5 students of the Faculty of Sports Science won 1 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals in the Korea Sports Games 2019; 14 students of the Faculty of Technology won the 1st place in Electrical Automobile Prototype category and the 3rd place in Gasoline Automobile category.