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[:in]Peresmian Inkubator Bisnis Hasil Penelitian UNJ dan Pemberian Penghargaan Bagi Fakultas, Prodi, dan Dosen Terbaik Dalam Bidang Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, HKI, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat[:en]Inauguration of UNJ Research Business Incubator and Awarding Best Faculty, Study Programs, and Lecturers in Research, Scientific Publication, Intellectual Property Rights, and Community Service[:]

[:in]Peresmian Inkubator Bisnis Hasil Penelitian UNJ dan Pemberian Penghargaan Bagi Fakultas, Prodi, dan Dosen Terbaik Dalam Bidang Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, HKI, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat[:en]Inauguration of UNJ Research Business Incubator and Awarding Best Faculty, Study Programs, and Lecturers in Research, Scientific Publication, Intellectual Property Rights, and Community Service[:]

[:in]Peresmian Inkubator Bisnis Hasil Penelitian UNJ dan Pemberian Penghargaan Bagi Fakultas, Prodi, dan Dosen Terbaik Dalam Bidang Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, HKI, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat[:en]Inauguration of UNJ Research Business Incubator and Awarding Best Faculty, Study Programs, and Lecturers in Research, Scientific Publication, Intellectual Property Rights, and Community Service[:]

[:in]Humas UNJ 15/02/2019 Inovasi ialah proses pengembangan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman demi menciptakan produk berupa barang maupun jasa menjadi lebih berbeda atau baru. Pentingnya inovasi sendiri bagi universitas ialah demi pengembangan ilmu dan dapat diterapkan di lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat atau LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta mengadakan kegiatan Peresmian Inkubator Bisnis Hasil Penelitian dan Pemberian Penghargaan Bagi Fakultas, Prodi, dan Dosen Terbaik Dalam Bidang Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, HKI, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.yang berlangsung pada Kamis, tanggal 07 Februari 2019 di Aula Latief Hendraningrat.

Kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh Plt. Rektor Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Prof. Intan Ahmad bersama Wakil-wakil Rektor UNJ, Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Si, Ketua Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu, Dr. Totok Bintoro, M.Pd, serta para Dekan dari berbagai fakultas di UNJ. Pada pembukaan kegiatan, Plt. Rektor UNJ menyampaikan mengenai pentingnya inovasi dalam penelitian yang diadakan di universitas. “Salah satu tugas universitas itu wajib memiliki lingkungan yang bisa difungsikan untuk menjadi wahana bagi penelitian,” pungkas beliau. Menurutnya, penelitian yang baik itu harus dituliskan dan dipublikasikan agar tidak mengikuti karya orang lain atau mengambil karya milik orang lain.Kegiatan diawali oleh pemberian penghargaan bagi Fakultas, Program Studi serta Dosen-dosen yang memiliki penelitian Inovasi, Publikasi Ilmiah, HKI, dan Pengelola Jurnal Nasional di terbaik di UNJ. Untuk pemenang kategori keseluruhan bidang fakultas Terbaik Apresiasi LPPM UNJ tahun 2018 didapatkan oleh Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.

Dalam peresmian indikator bisnis dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh sivitas akademika UNJ, ada 21 kelompok peserta inkubator bisnis yang dipamerkan, mulai dari usaha pakaian, makanan sampai ke usaha obat-obatan. Inkubator Bisnis hasil penelitian UNJ dibentuk dalam rangka hilirisasi produk-produk hasil penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa UNJ dan mengembangkan start up berbasis hasil penelitian dengan harapan hasil penelitian UNJ dapat lebih meningkatkan kualitas penelitian dan memberi motivasi kepada para dosen dan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan produk-produk penelitian inovasi seperti yang disampaikan oleh Ketua LPPM UNJ, Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Si, “Dengan adanya inkubator bisnis seperti ini, kita selaku universitas harus mencari mitra industri dan pemerintah yang dapat memanfaatkan produk riset UNJ”. Ketua LPPM UNJ sendiri menargetkan dapat mengembangkan 20 inovasi baru. “Untuk selanjutnya, kita sebagai warga UNJ harus terus mengembangkan inovasi demi meningkatkan mutu bagi universitas,” sambungnya.[:en]Public Relations UNJ 15/02/2019 Innovation is the process of developing knowledge, skills, and experience in order to create products in the form of goods or services to be more different or new. The importance of innovation itself for the university is for the development of knowledge and can be applied in the environment. Therefore, the Institute for Research and Community Service or the LPPM of UNJ held the Inauguration of UNJ Research Business Incubator and Awarded the Best Faculties, Study Programs and Lecturers in the Field of Research, Scientific Publication, Intellectual Property Rights, and Community Service on Thursday, February 7th, 2019 at Aula Latief Hendraningrat.

The event was attended by the Rector ad interim of UNJ, Prof. Intan Ahmad along with his vices, Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service, Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Sc, Chair of the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance, Dr. Totok Bintoro, M.Pd, and Deans from various faculties at UNJ. At the opening of the activity, the Rector ad interim of UNJ conveyed the importance of innovation in research held at the university. “One of the university’s duties is to have a space that can be used for research,” he concluded. According to him, good research must be written and published to avoid plagiarism. The event began with the awarding of faculties, study programs and lecturers who had the best research in innovation, scientific publications, and national journal management at UNJ. The Highest Appreciation from the LPPM UNJ in 2018 is given to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

There were 21 groups of business incubators exhibited in the attestation of business incubators from the results of research conducted by the UNJ academics, ranging from clothing business, food to drug businesses. The Business Incubator of the UNJ research was formed in the framework of down-streaming the research product of UNJ lecturers and students and developing start-up based on research results in the hope that the results of UNJ research could further improve the quality of research and motivate lecturers and students to develop innovation research products as stated by the Chairperson of the LPPM UNJ, Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Sc, “With the existence of business incubators like this, we as universities must look for industry partners and governments that can utilize UNJ’s research products”. The Chairperson of the LPPM UNJ targets to develop 20 new innovations. “We as the members of UNJ must continue to develop innovations to improve the quality of the university,” he continued.


Translated by: O.J[:]