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[:in]Dewan Pengawas[:en]Supervisory Board[:]


Susunan pejabat Dewan Pengawas UNJ adalah Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan teknologi No. 13209/MPK.A/KP.06.06/2022 tentang Dewan Pengawas Universitas Negeri Jakarta sebagai berikut:

Tugas Dewan Pengawas adalah:

      1. Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga dan Menteri Keuangan mengenai Rencana Strategis Bisnis dan Rencana Bisnis dan Anggaran yang diusulkan oleh Pejabat Pengelola BLU UNJ;
      2. Melaporkan kepada Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga dan Menteri Keuangan apabila
        terjadi gejala menurunnya kinerja BLU;
      3. Mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan BLU, memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga dan Menteri Keuangan mengenai setiap masalah yang dianggap penting bagi pengelolaan BLU;
      4. Memberikan nasihat kepada Pejabat Pengelola BLU UNJ dalam melaksanakan pengelolaan BLU; dan
      5. Memberikan masukan, saran, atau tanggapan atas laporan keuangan dan laporan kinerja BLU kepada Pejabat Pengelola BLU.


The official composition of the UNJ Board of Trustees is based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology No. 13209/MPK.A/KP.06.06/2022 concerning the Board of Trustees of the State University of Jakarta as follows:

The duties of the Board of Supervisors are:

      1. Provide opinions and suggestions to the Minister/Leader of the Institution and the Minister of Finance regarding the Business Strategic Plan and Business Plan and Budget proposed by the UNJ BLU Management Officer;
      2. Reporting to the Minister/Leader of the Institution and the Minister of Finance if there are symptoms of declining BLU performance.
        there are symptoms of declining BLU performance;
      3. Following the development of BLU activities, providing opinions and suggestions to the Minister/Leader of the Institution and the Minister of Finance regarding any issues deemed important for the management of BLU;
      4. Providing advice to UNJ BLU Management Officials in carrying out BLU management; and
      5. Providing input, suggestions, or responses to the BLU financial report and performance report to the BLU Managing Official.
