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“Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era, between Demands, Changes, and Readiness”

“Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era, between Demands, Changes, and Readiness”

“Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era, between Demands, Changes, and Readiness”

Public Relations UNJ (17/6/2019) – Universitas Negeri Jakarta conducted a National Seminar to celebrate UNJ’s 55th Anniversary at the Brigadier General Latief Hendraningrat Hall, Gedung Dewi Sartika, Campus A UNJ on Monday, June 17, 2019. This seminar was attended by the ad Interim Rector of UNJ, Prof. Intan Ahmad, and his staffs. Some honorary guests, including; Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak., represented by the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Ismunandar, Ph.D., Directorate General of Teachers and Educational Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Supriano, M.Ed., Deputy for Human Development and Development of the Community and Culture, Dr. Ir. Subandi, M.Sc., President of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), Prof. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, and Rector of Binus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M. also attended the event.

The theme of this national seminar was “Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era, between Demands, Changes, and Readiness”. The theme was in line with the theme of UNJ’s Anniversary, which is Synergy Towards a Reputable University in the Asian Region because UNJ must be able to provide prime education to fulfill the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This seminar aimed to inspire all UNJ members to respond to educational needs pro-actively and to provide insight into education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The ad Interim Rector of UNJ, Prof. Intan Ahmad, expressed his gratitude towards the Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Ismunandar, Ph.D., who attended this seminar representing the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof.Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. When we talk about the fourth industrial revolution, we talk about the challenges ahead. “We teach something that exists now, but will probably be gone in 5 years. How can we provide a good understanding, not only for ordinary students but for students who will become elementary, middle, and high school teachers?” asked Prof. Intan. He also stated that in industry 4.0, education world must stay relevant by applying digital literacy that has been given since elementary education to higher education. Demands, changes, and readiness are things that need to be realized together in the face of the fourth industrial revolution. Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Ismunandar, Ph.D., as a keynote speaker on this occasion congratulated UNJ for its 55th birthday. This was the right time for UNJ to reflect and maintain its position as a benchmark of virtue. In his speech entitled Preparation of the Millennial Generation Educators of the Industrial Age 4.0, he said, “The fourth industrial revolution is the same as the previous revolution. Jobs that are usually done by humans are now being replaced by technology. It is undeniable that technology does make work more efficient and tireless. We are expected to do more creative jobs, to use thoughts more often than muscles.” He also added that to face the fourth industrial revolution, we have to master the new literacy, such as; Data Literacy or the ability to read, analyze, and use information (big data) in the digital world, Technology Literacy or the ability to understand the workings of machines and technology applications (coding artificial intelligence, machine learning, engineering principles, biotech), Human Literacy, Humanities, Communication, Design, and Lifelong Learning.

After Prof. Ismunandar, Ph.D. was done conveying his topic, this national seminar was followed by a panel of discussions with five speakers, including; Directorate General of Teachers and Educational Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Supriano, M.Ed., on the Role of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the Preparation of Millennial Generation Educators in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Deputy for Human Development and Development of the Community and Culture, Dr. Ir. Subandi, M.Sc., on Preparing Millennial Generation Educators in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Rector of BINUS, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M., on the topic of Higher Education Industry Era 4.0, Dean of the Faculty of Economics UNJ, Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana, E.S. M.Bus. on Transforming Business Education in the Age of Industrial Revolution 4.0, and President of AIPI, Prof. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, on Educational Competency 4.0.

Translated by OJ.