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UNJ Participated in the Success of KONASPI IX at UNP

UNJ Participated in the Success of KONASPI IX at UNP

UNJ Participated in the Success of KONASPI IX at UNP

Padang – Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) participated in the success of the Indonesian Education Convention (KONASPI) IX and International Conference held at Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) on March 13-16 2019. Konaspi is a routine event organized by the Association of State Workforce Education Institutions Indonesia (ALPTKNI). The theme for the event was: Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In this Konaspi IX, there are two international conferences held namely the International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSHum 2019) and the International Conference on Education Sciences and Technology (ICESTech 2019) with a total number of participant reaching 2,089 from universities in the country and from universities abroad.

As a member of the ALPTKNI, UNJ is committed to providing education to the next generation to be competitive, creative and innovative in the current era of disruption in responding to the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, the participation of UNJ in Konaspi IX is a form of UNJ’s commitment to strengthening the quality of education in Indonesia. With the presence of Ad interim Rector, the Vices, the Deans and a number of lecturers within UNJ, this commitment strengthened.

This activity was opened by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir. In his speech, Mohamad Nasir said Training Institution for Educational Personnel (LPTK) as the source of quality teaching staff and innovators in learning systems has a very strategic role in preparing Indonesian HR for the future. Therefore, the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education hopes that this Konaspi IX can produce solutive and applicative recommendations for the development of educational staff and innovation in learning systems in Indonesia.

Minister Nasir at the end of his remarks appreciated Konaspi IX and its international conference as it is important for research in Indonesia. In this international conference, speakers from domestic and foreign universities will present their research journals. The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education always encourages lecturers from Assistant Experts to Professors to produce international scientific publications. Currently, from 5,500 professors in Indonesia, only about 2,250 professors are active in conducting international scientific publications.

The Chairperson of ALPTKNI, Syawal Gultom, said that LPTK must be ready to innovate and transform to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. He said education will continue to grow and its movement will become very dynamic, considering that technology has blended into our daily lives. Constructive ideas are needed. Syawal Gultom who is also the Rector of Universitas Negeri Medan hopes that through this forum educators from all over Indonesia will discuss this condition and provide recommendations to the government regarding decisions to be taken in facing future challenges, especially for the world of education.”In this 4.0 era, content is not the problem, but a paradigm shift and way of thinking is. In the past, our education was teacher-centered, now the latest paradigm is how to activate learning resources. I hope that in this prestigious forum we will get new recommendations from the Minang realm to contribute to the educational journey of the next 2 to 3 years, ” he said.

On the same occasion, Rector of UNP, Ganefri said that the Konaspi IX held at Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) was attended by 2,089 participants and was the largest participant in history. The opening of the IX National Education Convention was also attended by the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ismunandar, Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Muchlis Rantoni Luddin, Deputy Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas for Human Development, Society, and Culture, Subandi, Rector of Indonesian LPTK, Rector of Universitas Andalas, Chairperson of LLDikti Region X, Rector of ITS, Deans and Leaders of Education Study Programs from various universities and other invited guests.


Translated by OJ