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Socialization of PDLN and SIMPEL Application

Socialization of PDLN and SIMPEL Application

Socialization of PDLN and SIMPEL Application

Public Relations of UNJ (9/3/2019) – Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), together with the The Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensetneg R.I.) and the Ministery of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) held Socialization of Cross-Country Official Trip Permit (PDLN) Policy on Monday, September 2, 2019 at Maftuchah Yusuf Auditorium, Fl. 2, Dewi Sartika Building, Campus A UNJ. Attending the agenda were Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation Affairs, Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si., along with the officials of UNJ. The session invited as well some resource persons as follows: Head of Legal, Cooperation, and Information Services Division, of the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources of Higher Education, Head of Cooperation Sub Division of the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources of Higher Education, Muhamad Rifan Jauhari, S.E., M.A., Head of Cross-Country Trip for Pacific, Africa, and America Regions Sub Division, PDLN Division of the Cross-Country Technical Cooperation Bureau of Kemensetneg, Samsul Arifin, S.H., and Service Analyst of PDLN for ASEAN Region Sub Division of the Cross-Country Technical Cooperation Bureau, Ismail Abdurrohman.

Main agenda of the session included socialization of PDLN Policy and Information System of Cross-Country Official Trip Application (SIMPEL) by Kemensetneg. “Some delegations of UNJ somehow may find obstacles to have their official trip overseas organized. Therefore, this socialization of PDLN policy and SIMPEL application can make it possible for all of us to have the trip better-managed”, Dr. Achmad Ridwan pointed out in his remarks.

In the session, the PDLN policy was presented in details by Uliandri and M. Rifan Jauhari, representatives of Kemristekdikti initiating from the principle, the use, and requirement either for study or short trip purpose whilst the SIMPEL application was explained by Ismail Abdurrohaman and Samsul Arifin, representatives of Kemensetneg, in terms of its use, process and ways to operate.

SIMPEL is an online permit application designed for promoting public service quality in issuing government permit on PDLN that the State Officials, other Officials, Civil Servants, Employees of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) or Region-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and Indonesian employees have under the assignment of the State Foundation or Government Institution funded by either the Indonesian Budget (APBN)/Regional Government Budget (APBD) or partners for technical cooperation.

SIMPLE allows paperless process of PDLN which used to apply conventional correspondence. SIMPLE is designed in such a simple way that enables data entry by the application and verification process by the institution to easily and digitally be operated.