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Inauguration of Vice Deans of Faculty of Technology UNJ

Inauguration of Vice Deans of Faculty of Technology UNJ

Inauguration of Vice Deans of Faculty of Technology UNJ

Public Relations of UNJ (10/8/2019) – Universtas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) was holding an inauguration and handover program of the Vice Deans I, II, and III of the Faculty of Technology UNJ on Tuesday, 8th October 2019 at Rectorate Lobby, Campus A UNJ. The Rector of UNJ, Dr. Komarudin, M.Si. was leading the session which was also attended and witnessed by the Vice Rectors, Deans, Heads of Unit, Heads of Institution and Heads of Bureau of the university.

In compliance with the Rector Decree No. 1005/UN39/AP.08.01/2019 on Discharge and Appointment of Vice Dean I, II, and III for period of 2019-2023, the Rector of UNJ considers, examines, notices, decides, and stipulates, honorably discharges:

  1. Dr. M. Sukardjo, M.Pd. Vice Dean I
  2. Dra. Melly Prabawati, M.Pd., Vice Dean II
  3. Drs. Pitoyo Yuliatmojo, M.Pd., Vice Dean III

and appoints the new officials in replace of the former:

  1. Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd., as Vice Dean I
  2. Drs. Pitoyo Yuliatmojo, M.Pd., as Vice Dean II
  3. Ir. Erna Septiandini, M.T., as Vice Dean III

Dr. Komarudin, M.Si. congratulated the inaugurated Vice Deans of the Faculty of Technology UNJ, “Let God’s grace restore your health and strength, and lead you the right way to perform your duties.” In addition, he wanted the inaugurated officials to bear in mind 3 things namely having commitment to work, building teamwork, and prioritizing quality work.

The commitment should initially be indicated by our own persistence to do the best, by loyalty to the institution, and by high performance. Having had the commitment, the vice deans are supposed to build solid teamwork that completes, strengthens, makes advancement one another. All of these components will eventually drive to a good-quality orientation both in process and output. Only if is it taken into account as the first priority, the quality may satisfy all parties and stakeholders in relation to the process and output. On the other hand, if it is disregarded, this may unfortunately result careless work.

Dr. Komarudin did not forget as well to extend his deep acknowledgment to the discharged officials for their work, contribution, and dedication throughout their period of leadership. The occasion was ended by all attended invitees’ and members’ of UNJ congratulating the inaugurated officials.