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Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp (IDCamp)

Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp (IDCamp)

Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp (IDCamp)

Public Relations of UNJ (10/7/2019) – Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp (IDCamp) was held on Monday, 7th October 2019 at Maftuchah Yusuf Auditorium, Dewi Sartika Building, Campus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Prof. Suyono, SVP-Head of ICT Product & Solution, Budiharto, Lecturer of the Faculty of Technology of UNJ, Dr. Baso Marudani, M.T., and Data Scientist Decoding Indonesia, Adrianus Yoza as the resource person in this Talkshow IDCamp were attending the occasion. The talk show selected a theme of Industrial Digital Development in Indonesia.

Prof. Suyono in his remarks extended his gratitude to Indosat Ooredoo for holding the event. “This program is necessary for us in this digital era to give us insight and inspiration,” Prof. Suyono explained. Considering the importance of language programming in this digital era, he added that UNJ has included Coding and Big Data as a mandatory course for all new students of all departments. It is expected that this program can motivate students not only to be a user but also a developer in their future time; therefore, learning this Coding subject can be a very good asset for them.

The resource person of the talk show, Adrianus Yoza was giving his opinion from each organization’s viewpoint in this session. Budiharto as the representative of digital telecommunication industry was explaining how Indosat Ooredoo has been able to promote development of digital economic ecosystem in Indonesia by having a collaboratiion with key stakeholders inclusive of the higher education institutions and the community of technology practitioner.

Dr. Baso Marudani, as the representative of universities especially UNJ was describing about how the universities play their roles to prepare the students to be competitive in the digital economic ecosystem either at national or global level. In the meantime, Adrianus Yoza as a practitioner in digital community was adding his idea to push and lead the developer/programmer community to have a certified competency acknowledged by global industries.

ID Camp is a scholarship-based Coding program offered by Indosat Ooredoo to generate Indonesian young developers/programmers who will be ready for global competition in the world of digital economy. This program has been part of Indosat Ooredoo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the pillar of education with a view to developing Indonesia as Digital Nation.

Indosat Ooredoo invites the young who have interest in digital technology by providing an online training of developer. Facilitated in the training are an Android developer module, Kotlin, and Progressive Web Application for beginner and advanced levels. In addition to the online training, IDCamp opens offline training for future disabled developers.

Adrianus Yoza in his presentation showed that Indonesia ranked #113 in its education level with 6.8 million unemployed people. As a matter of fact, there has been a need for digital talent of six hundred thousand people per year. It is even predicted that 6 million types of jobs in potential digital industry will have existed by 2025.

UNJ is the sixteenth campus out of twenty to have been selected for this roadshow IDCamp program by Indosat Ooredoo for screening their participants. Registration is open for Indonesian participants aged 29. The scholarship will be granted for 10,000 students. A certificate will only be issued for 1,000 best participants following the training and an access to job opportunities will be offered only for 100 participants.

The registration is open to 18th October 2019 and can be accessed on www.idcamp.indosatooredoo.com. The online class is open from 2nd August 2019   to 21st February 2020. Offline class for disabled will be held in December 2019. Passed participants will be announced in February 2020 and job distribution will be commenced in February – April 2020.